Android: Disconnect auto upload picture to Google+

When you get new Android mobile and start register your Gmail account, Android will synchronize all the applications that you have been registered with Google.

The scary thing is if you happened to share mobile folder in Picasa, which is now Google+, all the photo that you take from your new mobile will be uploaded to the world as well.

To stop auto-upload, need to follow these steps in the hidden menu.

O/S: Android ICS 4.0.4
Device: Samsung Galaxy SIII
  • Go in to "Settings" menu.
  • Look for "Accounts and sync" and select this menu.

  • Select your Google account.

  • Uncheck "Sync Picasa Web albums".

The mobile will not sync your picture every time you take a photo.

Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.9


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